
HumaNexus Lab offers coaching, workshops, training, seminars and lectures in the following areas.

Organizational Development

We help organization achieve optimal performance by ensuring that each member espouses and shares its vision and mission.

Keywords Teambuilding, Remote Teamwork, Aligning Vision-Mission-Values, Building Optimal Organizational Culture, Psychological Safety, Communication and Collaboration, Change Management, Organizational Change, Organizational Transformation
Delivery Workshops, Team Coaching, Executive Coaching
Examples for tools and approaches Simulation activity (Actee), Systemic constellations, Systemic coaching, Tuckman’s model


We support the fostering of individual leaders in line with the culture and leadership style that an organization wishes to build.

Keywords Leaders as Coaches, Empowerment, Psychological Safety, Motivation and Engagement, Servant Leadership, Empathetic Leaders, Trust and Relationship Building, Emotional Intelligence, Resilience, Increasing Self-Awareness, Global Remote Leadership, Leading with impact
Delivery Executive Coaching, Leadership Coaching, Leadership Training, Coaching Training (development of inhouse coach)
Examples for tools and approaches 6 Leadership Styles by Daniel Goldman, Simulation activity (ActeeLeadership), Hogan, 360, DISC, Strength Finder, The International Profiler (TIP)

Change Management

We help members of your organization to view positively large operational reforms and organizational restructurings so that each individual can contribute to its sustainable development and evolution.

Keywords Corporate Culture Reform, Leading in Uncertainty, Transformational Leadership, Corporate Culture Integration upon M&As, Resistance to Change, Employee Retention, Navigating VUCA World
Delivery Workshops, Executive Coaching
Examples for tools and approaches Resistance to Change by Rick Maurer, Immunity to Change by Robert Keegan, The 8-step Process for Leading Change by John Kotter, Simulation activities (ActeeChange), Change Style Indicator (CSI)

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEI&B)

We support building organizations where members work on an equal footing and can unleash their full potential by positively incorporating diversity in race, nationality, religion, gender, and age.

Keywords Intercultural Management, Women Leadership and Empowerment, Work-Life Balance, Psychological Safety, Unconscious Bias, Managing Senior and Experienced Team Members, Promoting Women and Young Leaders
Delivery Workshops, Team Coaching, Executive Coaching, Coaching Across Cultures
Examples for tools and approaches Cultural Orientations Framework (COF), Hofstede Culture in the Workplace Questionnaire (CWQ), A World of Difference (WOD)

Globalization in the Workplace

We support the global expansion of Japanese organizations and the establishment of operations in Japan by foreign organizations. We will collaborate with overseas partners whenever such interaction is deemed beneficial.

Keywords Overseas Relocation/Assignment, Comparative HRM and Leadership (Japan-USA-Europe), Corporate Culture Integration after M&As
Delivery Lectures on Comparative HRM, Seminars, Workshops, Executive Coaching, Coaching Across Cultures (pre-, during and post-assignment), Team Coaching
Examples for tools and approaches Hofstede Culture in the Workplace Questionnaire (CWQ), Cultural Orientations Framework (COF)


We help your organization’s members develop global communication skills and master communication styles appropriate to diverse social cultural contexts.

Keywords Intercultural Communication, Global Business Communication, Presentation Skills, Facilitation Skills, Assertiveness, Feedback Culture, Managing Difficult Conversation, Public Speaking, Negotiations, Building Trust/Relationships, Listening Skills, Compassion and Empathy, Comparative Communication/Working Styles according to Nationalities (e.g., Japanese, German, French)
Delivery Workshops, Seminars, Trainings, Coaching Across Cultures, Team Coaching
Examples for tools and approaches 8 Communication Styles, Simulation activities (ActeeCommunication), Hofstede Culture in the Workplace Questionnaire (CWQ), Cultural Orientations Framework (COF), DISC, The International Profiler (TIP), A World of Difference (WOD)


We introduce some tools to help maximize the program outcome.

Customized Program Examples

e.g.1: Intercultural Management (Workshops) & One-on-One Coaching

e.g.2: Working with multicultural virtual teams

e.g.3: Organizational Development (Japan office)